Hobonichi Love: My 2025 Planner Blueprint
I instantly fell in love with the Hobonichi Techo Cousin after snagging the 2024 planner with some left over Amazon credit in late November. It has become go to tool for memory keeping, logging, tracking, and brain dumping. As I set up the 2025 planner, here is a detailed outline of how I plan to use it.
This Year Calendar
I will highlight all my days off work (holidays, vacation days, and flex days), so they're easy to spot at glance.
Year at a Glance
Top Section: Track social media stats on the first of each month.
Middle Dated Section: Use as an index for my daily pages.
Bottom Section: List birthdays and holidays.
Monthly Layouts
2025 Months: Perfect for tracking weight, spending, and workouts.
2026 Extra Months: I will repurpose the January and February 2026 spreads to track my Scent of the Day. Each day will include a list of perfumes worn on the same date across several months (e.g., January 1st through June 30th on the first extra month layout).
Weekly Layouts
These will serve as a space for memory keeping and logging my meals.
Daily Layouts
Blank Page before the 1st of each month: Use for a running to-do list (with things that do not have a specific due date and won't be accomplished right away)
Left Side: Document the Word of the Day, News of the Day, and my daily To Do List.
Right Side: Reserve this section for brain dumps (this can be anything from a journaling session, creative writing, or even a recipe I want to try).
Extra Pages and Sections
Blank Pages: Use for an "adulting" and/or other fun logs.
Time Table: Test ink, highlighter, and marker swatches.
Graph Paper: Create credit card debt payoff tracker.
Favorites Section: Write down one favorite thing each month.
My 100: Turn this into a To-Be-Read (TBR) list and highlight books as I complete them.
Words to Remember: Record my favorite quotes from the year.
I'm always on the hunt for new ideas to make the most out of my planners.